Register now for a new edition of the mobco peloton on May 25, 2024


+32 2 669 95 19

Other Organizers



Coureur Café


May 25 2024


09:00 - 16:00

mobco peloton 2024

As nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike, we are organising a new edition of our Peloton on May 25, 2024.  

This year’s edition holds particular significance as we are joining forces with our Dutch colleagues from BLAUD, making this our first-ever international peloton. 

In collaboration with Absolute and Samsung, we have created an exciting route starting and ending at Café Coureur in Borgloon. 

The peloton remains true to its origin, meaning a healthy and easy ride at an average of 25kmh. Hills are climbed at your own pace, so all riders are more than welcome to join us! 

We will gather around 9.30 AM for breakfast, followed by the technical briefing and provisioning. Around 10.30 AM, we will leave for a ride throughout Haspengouw. We will stop in the middle for a quick refill and power snack and expect to be back at Café Coureur, where a very tasty lunch will be awaiting us, around 1.30 PM.  

For those eager to explore the trail, the route is available HERE.

To ensure your safety, we will be joined by motorbike security and road captains throughout the entire route. 

Eager to climb some hills together? The seats are limited, so, make sure to register today by filling out the form below. If you would love a mobco cycling outfit, make sure to tick the checkbox and indicate the required size.  

Looking to bring a cycling buddy? He/she is more than welcome to join us! Make sure to sign them up too, so we can foresee enough food and drinks.  

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