3 trends in the World of Work in 2023

Jan 25, 2023 | mobco workplace

Aligning the workforce with your business needs is challenging, even more in today’s economic and labor market climates riddled with uncertainties. To ensure that your plans are in line with the upcoming recruitment trends, here is an overview of the challenges that will shape labor market in 2023 and some tips and tricks to help you overcome them.  


1. Flexibility is a must in all areas 

Offering flexibility has become key in attracting and retaining talent. And so many businesses have identified sliding working hours and the possibility of working from home as the way forward. However, when wanting to remain competitive in today’s job market, it’s important for your business to realize that flexibility encompasses many more aspects. Giving your employees a say in the tools used for work, for example, might be an initiative worth exploring as 85% claims to be more productive, efficient, and creative when working with the tools they choose and love.  

With mobco Workplace, we aim at supporting your business in offering flexibility in the tools used for work. Through our state-of-the-art platform, your employees can order, manage, request, and repair the needed workplace devices themselves. All you must do is choose a budget and construct a portfolio of available tools per position and function. We make sure that the devices are delivered pre-configured at the location of choice, enabling your employees to get started immediately.  


2. Focus on fringe benefits 

The inflation is putting a lot of pressure on the labor market. As research from Robert Half states, 30% of employers therefore believe that they cannot give a pay increase on top of the indexation. A challenge for many businesses in today’s highly competitive talent market where employees tend to ask for a higher wage when having received a proposal from another company. 

Instead of giving high counteroffers to keep your talent onboard, it might be worth exploring extralegal benefits such as a cellphone with or without a subscription, a laptop for private use, home office technology, and more. With mobco Workplace, we streamline the offering of fringe benefits by reducing the administrative burden that comes with it. Not only can your employees easily request and order devices, accessories and telco subscriptions through the portal, but our Workplace Dashboard also provides an accurate list of all assets per employee, facilitating your Benefit in Kind calculation.  


3. Exploit the potential of cafeteria plans  

The salary naturally forms the basis for remuneration. However, as an employer, you must be aware of the fact that employees have different needs and expectations. A cafeteria plan, where you can convert part of your salary into benefits that matter to you at the time, can be a differentiator. A recent study Robert Half shows that only 7% of businesses offer a cafeteria plan, while it can be a very valuable addition and thus without an increased wage cost for the employer. Besides, personalization in remuneration gives a greater sense of appreciation, increasing the overall employee experience.  

As enrolling a flexible rewards plan can be time-consuming and usually comes with an administrative burden, we aim at simplifying the process with mobco Workplace. With Workplace, all administration is bundled in one tool and all workplace assets are being automated, making it easier to offer the right benefits at the right time.  


Eager to uncover how Workplace can support your business in attracting and retaining talent? Request your free demo session today by filling out the contact form below!