Why mobile complicates IT

Why mobile complicates IT

With mobile devices, we carry around powerful and connected computers. We use the device for fun, social media and business without even wondering how the data finally arrives on the device. It’s coming over the air… We want access to business data no...
When mobile is business critical

When mobile is business critical

Mobile in business, is business critical. But how to safeguard the quality of service you are offering your employees? With this in mind, we’re more than proud to announce you the mobile monitoring service. The first ever tool that allows you to measure the full...
mobco wins Lookout award!

mobco wins Lookout award!

On the 2018 partner conference held by Lookout, mobco won the partner award for its achievements in securing mobile devices! Lookout continues to invest in mobile intelligence to detect and counter attacks on mobile devices. This intelligence is used by mobco to...
Warm greetings from the mobco team

Warm greetings from the mobco team

When we think about mobile we often see the ‘extra’ benefit. Only recently we hear companies talking publicly about their mobile-only projects; meaning the employee will only have their mobile device for work and will no longer require a PC. An unstoppable...
Why make life hard…

Why make life hard…

The question we often hear is:”Why do these device manufacturers make life so hard to activate a new device?” It’s true. There are too many passwords, login screens and an endles series of ‘yes’ buttons you just have to click to continue...
Save 5 minutes a day

Save 5 minutes a day

In our iOS Masterclass at Apple on Friday the 13th and our business event of October 17th, we explained and demonstrated the features we believe are important for enterprises, important for you. Thank you all for your active participation in these events. In this...