mobco operations team 100% ITIL certified

mobco operations team 100% ITIL certified

Continuous learning is one of the cornerstones of our strategy and success. We are committed to offer all our employees at least 20 days a year to spend on study, courses, certifications. And it’s not only for deep dive technical trainings. Recently we started the...
New Services at mobco

New Services at mobco

Every day you rely on our expert services to keep your modern workplace in good shape. At home, in the office or completely mobile. Based on your feedback and updated business requirements, we decided to update our services portfolio! Get in touch with your sales...
New iPhone SE: minimum cost, maximum smartphone

New iPhone SE: minimum cost, maximum smartphone

The first iPhone SE was a hit with many customers who loved its unique combination of small size, high-end performance and affordable price. That’s why we’re happy to welcome the second generation iPhone SE, building on that same great idea but improving in every...
Stay Connected

Stay Connected

People stay connected with their relatives using controlled tablets and smartphones in hospitals and elderly care. Together with Samsung and based on our experience in hospitals and elderly care, we now launch the project “1 euro a day to stay connected”! We recently...
Let’s talk pro: new Apple hardware

Let’s talk pro: new Apple hardware

In September Apple presents new hardware and mobco launches the Apple Business Series! We make the new Apple hardware even better: for the same price we add services, accessories and software. Read more here! Now, let’s first dive in the new iPhones, new iPad, new...